WorkTorch for employees

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Waitress delivering breakfast to a table of guests

Career growth

Guided paths for career development

No more guesswork. Know the exact steps that will get you the job of your dreams.

Career Grow example from WorkTorch Employee Portal

Personal insights

Insights into career development.

Success comes from knowing where you are at and where you are going. Get real-time data on your progress.

Career Grow score progression gif

What is WorkTorch?

WorkTorch Pathways is an AI-driven program progress tracker designed for organizations aiming to make an impact.

Our platform offers customizable pathways, progress tracking, resource sharing, and real-time communication to empower individuals to reach their potential.

Why choose WorkTorch?

Level up your skills and earn more.

Applicants who use WorkTorch get hired up to 40% faster and have opportunities to make twice as much.

Dollar sign above a graphical upward arrow
Waitress delivering breakfast to a table of guests

Find jobs you love and with room for your growth

Individuals who found a career through WorkTorch stay up to 3x longer.

Where you’ve seen us

Washington PostForbesCNBCNew York TimesTechstars

WorkTorch for participants

The tools you need right in your pocket.

Powerful tools to help you stay on track, achieve your goals, and progress with guided pathways tailored to your success.

Start Scheduling interviews today!

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